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Recommended Nonprofits

My dream for #WhiteInkJacket is to foster connections between my incredible brides and the many wonderful philanthropic opportunities in Nashville. Please learn about and donate to one of the following nonprofit organizations. To secure the jacket reservation,  you’ll be asked to forward your donation receipt so that donation goals can be tracked. Suggested donation starts at $50.

Gilda's Club Middle Tennessee

Gilda’s Club Middle Tennessee, an affiliate of the Cancer Support Community, is dedicated to providing support, education and hope to all people impacted by cancer, including family members and friends of those diagnosed.

Thistle Farms

Thistle Farms offers women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction the time and space needed to heal.

Open Table Nashville

Open Table Nashville is a non-profit, interfaith community that disrupts cycles of poverty, journeys with the marginalized and provides education about issues of homelessness.

CASA Nashville

CASA's mission is to advocate for hope, healing, and permanency for abused and neglected children in juvenile court by providing trained volunteer advocates in the Nashville community.

ShowerUp Nashville

ShowerUp serves those experiencing homelessness in and around the city of Nashville by providing showers, hygiene resources and personal care with our mobile shower units. Their mission is to share love, build relationships, and restore hope.

The Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition

The Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) is a statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration whose mission is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout Tennessee to develop a unified voice, defend their rights, and create an atmosphere in which they are recognized as positive contributors to the state.

The Nashville Food Project

Bringing people together to grow, cook and share nourishing food, with the goals of cultivating community and alleviating hunger in our city

Adopt-a-Golden Nashville

Adopt a Golden is dedicated to the rescue, care, evaluation and placement of abandoned or unwanted golden retrievers. Our mission is to promote the understanding,appreciation and care of canines among the general public through education about responsible pet ownership. We endeavor to raise awareness regarding the extraordinary unwanted pet population, and do our part to decrease it.

Next Steps

To reserve the #WhiteInkJacket, please donate to one of the recommended nonprofits, block off your dates in the calendar, and submit your donation confirmation details to our form!